Friday, February 25, 2011

What a week.

My students were a wreck this week. Not just a fender bender, but a full blown 15 car pile up. Right up through the drop deadline, which was today. I had one in tears, one that fought me daily because she was not a good fit for the program, and one who has insisted (for over a week now) that I call him by his nick name. Mind you, his nickname isn't something normal like "Matt" for "Matthew" or something of that nature. It's Disney Bear.I got another voicemail asking about some documents, with a plea to call him by his "friendly nick name". I. Think. Not. Drama aside, I really enjoy my job. Not only do I get to change lives and fulfill dreams on a daily basis, but I get to work with some of the greatest and funniest people.

School is driving me insane. I've had it with the mundane courses, I'm kicking myself for every silly credit I complete. Like most other idiots at 18, I partied too much. I've always been a person who values experience for the mere thrill of it, and was entirely unable to balance fun and work back in the day. I have lived a lot of life due to this trait, and have had a lot of really great experiences. At the same time, it's taking me twice the time it should to complete my program because I'm making up for lost time. Oh well. At least when I graduate I will be an experienced graduate, right?

On a lighter note, I'm pretty sure I have a brand new, completely unattainable british love. I'm probably behind the curve on this one, but my little celebrity (sort of) loving heart belongs to Mumford and Sons. Good night! Those boys can come to Salt Lake any day, and I would drop everything. I'm not normally one who goes weak in the knees for musicians, movie stars, sports stars and the like. They all seem like overpaid diva buffoons. But every now and then a girl can love some eye candy. And I love me some Marcus Mumford. I'll leave you with Winter Winds-Mumford and Sons.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

All is Well

Well folks, I've decided to take the plunge. I would like to say that it was only after much cajoling that I finally gave in, but that is not the case. I forget to write in my real journal, so why not a blog? I'm an open book anyway, for the most part. Besides, lots of changes are going on in my life right now. What better time to start anew?

I guess the most obvious place to start is to give some background. I was born in Utah, and have lived here most of my life save a short stint in Ohio and South Dakota.  I love life and my Savior. I am adventurous and as curious as they come. I love to volunteer and give of my time to help others. I like everything that comes at me,even the bad. The hard things make us stronger and remind us that we are expendable and need to take advantage of what we have been given. I have learned many things in my 27 years, I try my best to take them to heart and remember them. I'm feisty as all get out, but I have a heart of gold and I'll do anything for those I love. Let's be honest, I would do a lot for those I don't know if it meant that it would work for the greater good. I believe in the inherent goodness of people. I believe in second chances.  I have lived A LOT of life. I am strong and fiercely independent.

And last but not least, I believe everyone is valuable because our Savior paid the same price for all of us.