Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summer Lovin'

Hey Ya'll!!

It's about time for a super fun summer post, right?? Last time I checked in, I was immersed in introspection and excitement for my upcoming solo roadtrip. And boy, did it turn out AWESOME!!! I had the time of my life, had a lot of "firsts", found myself a super hot cowboy, and recharged my batteries for the rest of the year. If you're considering it, I would highly recommend a solo road trip. But be forewarned, it isn't for the faint of heart!!

Since I don't have the time to write an actual blog post about the adventures that Summer 2012 has brought my life here in this lil' corner of the globe, I've summed it up in photogrids. Besides, writing is boring. Pictures are fun!!!

It all started in April.

Birthday trip to Vegas.Sushi with Friends.Solar Eclipse (that pic is my super high tech viewing tool, a national park entrance permit with a whole poked through!!). Me wearing my "Shirley's Girlies" T shirt at the 5K for M.S.

Then June.

Sun studio giant guitar(I danced to Howlin' Wolf with British people I didn't know. Awesome.).Lunch on the Mississippi riverfront with awesome people.National Civil Rights Museum @ The Lorraine Motel.Random street art in Memphis.

Exploring the Crystal Shrine Grotto.Country Music Hall of Fame.Largest Tree House in the World.Nashville Parthenon.Tennessee Sunset (gorgeous!!).Singing onstage @ THE Grand Ole Opry!!.My tootsies in "the circle" @ the Grand Ole Opry.Dinner with friends at Pete and Sam's in Memphis.


Salt Lake Real game with the fam for July 4th celebration. Boating with the fam to celebrate mom and brother's birthdays (incredibly fun!!).I saw my first dust devil in Kansas on my drive home from the South.

And finally....

More roadtrips.Dressing up my dogs (Don't judge, I work from home. Gets lonesome in these parts some days!!). Karaoke with my neat friends. Attending WGU commencement to see my students graduate and reminding myself why I do what I do. Playing in random toystores after our weeklong WGU conference with some of the ladies I am so blessed to have in my life.

So there you have it. So much warm weather left before Fall hits our doorstep, so more pics to come. I'm looking forward to Oregon, the farmers market, and so many other adventures, including the Utah State FAIR!!!!!! Can't wait!! I am so incredibly grateful for the experiences I've had this year, the good and the bad. We are all blessed with opportunities to grow, and we have the choice to do with them what we please.My hope for all of us is that we continue to take life by the reins, and continue to grow and enjoy life with the Lord in our hearts.

“Life is to be enjoyed, not endured”

― Gordon B. Hinckley