Monday, April 9, 2012

My Divine 29!!

Whew, last week was quite the whirlwind!! I turned 29, and I will never get any older. Nope, never!

My birthday itself was mellow, just how I wanted it. I woke up to balloons and a sweet message from my mom, had some delicious breakfast, and worked. The night was spent at a laid back sushi joint with two of the cutest ladies I know. Just perfect!

I had some serious wanderlust going on, so we decided to do a (kind of) last minute get away to Las Vegas. It's far enough away that you still feel like you're on vacation, but not so far that you can't do it in a weekend. Plus, Instagram for Android came out. Woo woo!! I'm sure all my fb friends are so sick of seeing my attempt at art. But hey, I tried to keep it interesting!

Our first night was spent at Boulder Station. What a steal!! Seriously you guys, I paid $19.00 a night for our rooms. Of course, there was a $14.55 "resort fee" plus tax. But with easy access and free valet parking, it was still a steal! I was a little leery about the price. I thought that we might be staying somewhere the "Ladies of the Evening" like to frequent. But, my bestie is from Vegas and she vouched for them, so we took a chance. We were not disappointed! The rooms were super clean and modern, and there is the best breakfast buffet ever downstairs for $5.99. Oh. My. Goodness!

The other two nights were spent at a timeshare property, and were magnificent. I had such a good time I didn't take any pictures there!! But believe me, the pools were so great!                                                

I also got my first massage! It was a great experience. Little weird to get used to at first (in your birthday suit with a stranger and nothing separating you but a sheet? Yeah, took a minute..), but it was sooo nice!!I will definitely do that again!   
We did lots of shopping, sleeping in, eating, and laughing. All was as it should be. So grateful to get away with some of my most favorite women!!

Besties Gonna Be Besties.

 Boulder Station
 Hash House A Go Go. Biggest food in the West...
 Salmon Sandwich @ Hash House
 Big Ol' Pork Sammich @ Hash House
 Did you know my mom can blow fire?
 Roadtrip Silliness
 At Terra Rosa, my favorite. Best Calamari!


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