Sunday, March 20, 2011

Singles Ward and Gratitude.

Just a short one this fine evening. I felt the need to blog, but am wicked tired.

I have joined a Singles Ward. Oh, keep your shorts on, the world is not ending. I've been feeling like I should try out ours for some time, but was resisting it something fierce. However, with the new boundary change, crying in church (and not out of happiness) the past few weeks, and with all the calls from the singles ward relief society out of nowhere, I felt it was time. Did you like all those commas? My grammar is stellar tonight.

I'm happy to report that the singles ward was not quite the meat market barbie-fest I imagined. Ok, I also imagined that it was chock full of meathead idiots who were going to give me the elevator eyes and promptly move on. It was delightfully comfortable and full of genuine smiles. Cool ward=1 Judgmental Christi=0.  I felt at home there, which was quite the surprise. I wanted to hate it, so I could say "Told You So" to all those who have told me to go. Let's just say I don't like being at all. In fact, I'm terrible at admitting it. Luckily, I'm usually right. Hardy har har. Anyhoo, it was great, the people were great, and it wasn't awkward at all.

Some things I'm grateful for this weekend:

*Small  comforts from our Savior, Jesus Christ. Sometimes it takes awhile to get an answer, but when you do, it all becomes clear. I learned a good lesson in trusting the Lord this week.
*My parents. What great people! I'm lucky to know them.
*Running water. I feel guilty taking a long hot shower when so many people cannot.
*The blessing of having plenty with extra to be able to serve others.
*My bestie, Kerri.
*My friend Sione, who always listens even if he doesn't want to.

Hope everyone has a good week! Holi, the Festival of Colors is next Saturday. Holla!

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