Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tsunami and the Biggest Loser

Quite the week for world events, isn't it? 

My heart and prayers go out to the people of Japan. Friday's earthquake and subsequent tsunami have wreaked havoc on a normally stable area.  I watched videos of the wreckage last night and couldn't keep myself from bawling over the heartbreak. What a blessing it is that we live in an area normally devoid of any serious natural disasters. While Utah does have several small quakes now and then, they are nowhere near the magnitude of the earthquakes that have been happening overseas. Like many others, seeing disasters of such destruction awakens in me a strong drive to help in any way I can. While I don't have the resources to fly to Japan to help those in need or donate large amounts of money, I have come up with an idea that should help. It isn't totally developed yet, so I'll have to keep everyone posted!

On a separate note, I finally tried out for The Biggest Loser this past Saturday with my good friend Shawn. We decided to do it on a whim, and found ourselves sitting in the rain in front of an empty arena at 430 Saturday morning.

                                               Shawn and I in the rain at our Audition

In case you're wondering, that green thing on Shawn is not a blanket, it's a sweater. Two of them, in fact. And that blanket on me? It wasn't mine, it belonged to a very nice girl named Sandy. Apparently, Shawn and I are not great planners! You would think I would be an old pro at this, after having camped out at Best Buy with my bestie the thanksgiving before last. But no, I failed miserably. After a mini meltdown at 3:30 am, bestie and I were on our way to pick up Shawn so we could get the show on the road. I had originally planned to take snacks, a coat and an umbrella. I managed to not take any of those things. Luckily, we were surrounded by great people to help a girl out! Thanks to bestie for snacks and patience, Sandy for the blankie, and Ryan(whom I didn't know) for the umbrella over my head when the rain started to pour, and for putting up with me when I started singing Rihanna "Umbrella" off key. I think hanging out outside was the best part of the experience. For the sake of time, I'll give you the reader's digest version:

** Shawn had a minor camping chair issue that included nearly falling off it
**Suzie and I scoped out the line for "hot fluffy men" whom we could unashamedly claim as our new husbands (Neither of us found one. It was slim pickins...)
**A renegade water bottle
**Lots of rain and a makeshift sweater blanket
**Our new friend Shelly and her neon curlers
**The "meathead". He was a solid block of man with a pouty face and a mean look in his eye. I almost lost an eyebrow!
**New friends
**Old friends. I knew three of the five people immediately surrounding us in line.
**I was recruited for a rugby team. I don't know that I'll play again. I'm kind of attached to my face without bruises.

Eventually, we made it inside the Maverick Center. Finally! They made us fill out (another) application. On the website it said to fill out the 15(!) page application, so we did. Well, apparently that is only if you're sending a video. After our numbers were called, we had a two minute group interview with a girl who had purple eyeshadow. It was a great experience. I don't know that I would do it again, but I sure can knock "Try Out for a Reality Show" off my bucket list!!

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